A Farewell Message from FIDF National Chairman Peter Weintraub

Peter Weintraub headshotMy dear friends,

It has been an honor to serve as FIDF Chair for the past four years.

My love of Israel took firm roots during the Six-Day War, when my grandfather, z”l, sat at our home, watching Abba Eban defend Israel at the United Nations, and reminded me that without a strong Israel, the Jewish people have no future. It is a message I have always taken with me. My FIDF connection began much later, when I met with a group of devoted volunteers who recognized that it is our obligation to support those who enable Israel to remain strong. From the moment I learned of FIDF’s mission and vision, I was all in. I found the perfect fit for my “Ahavat Medinat Yisrael” and my “Ahavat Am Yisrael”, my love of the Jewish nation and the Jewish people. My wife Ellen, as always, supported and encouraged me, as she watched me assume what often was like another full-time job.

The years of my tenure traversed unprecedented times. I am one who thrives on in-person, direct contact: face-to-face, hugging, smiling, discussing, sharing. COVID took that away from all of us for far too long. Hopefully, we will reunite in person for the first time in two years when we join for the National New York Gala on September 20th and the Annual Board Meeting the following day.

My tenure has also borne a re-designed executive leadership model focused on expanding our outreach, increasing dollars – both raised and transferred, and which has brought tens of thousands of new members to join our cause. I am totally confident that we will return to ‘triple-digits’ before too long.

One of my first priorities as Chair was envisioning FIDF’s future lay leadership structure, most specifically, who would be the next Chair. Passing the baton into Fred Gluckman’s extraordinarily capable hands is one of my greatest accomplishments. I am excited to see the next years unfold under his leadership and promise to be a source of support and advice whenever called upon. Our top-level FIDF leadership is blessed with three emeriti who continue to passionately support our cause. I am prepared to join their ranks.

I am excited and encouraged by what I see ahead of us at FIDF. I am grateful for the encouragement and support I have received from you throughout the years, and I have been strengthened by confronting our challenges together. You continue to be a thoughtful and extremely positive board, always seeking what is best for our beloved FIDF and the young men and women serving in the IDF.

May we fulfill the Psalmist vision (90:17) when he wrote: “Let God’s grace be upon us, directing the work of our hands”.

With friendship, respect, and love,
